
Hello, my name is Šárka Kadavá. Since October 2022,I have been working as a doctoral researcher at the Leibniz Centre for General Linguistics in Berlin. I am part of the FLESH project, which is lead by Dr Aleksandra Ćwiek, Dr Susanne Fuchs and Dr Wim Pouw and which falls under the DFG priority programme Visual Communication (ViCom). The project aims to investigate how gesture and speech are jointly and flexibly coordinated. In my research, I focus on how time-varying signals such as movement and sound contribute to creating and sharing a meaning.

I am currently also a PhD representative at my institute, Leibniz Centre for General Linguistics, together with Elna Haffner.

Previously, I studied at Charles University in Prague and obtained Master's degrees in Czech philology and Electronic culture and semiotics. I also worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Psychology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Under the supervision of Dr Nikola Paillereau, I was part of the team developing parent questionnaires (MB-CDI) for Czech children called Dovyko.

My research interests include multimodal communication, dynamical views of communication, and machine learning tools used to study communicative behaviour.


Kadavá, Š., Ćwiek, A., Fuchs, S., Pouw, W. (2024) What do we mean when we say gestures are more expressive than vocalizations? An experimental and simulation study. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2024. Full paper Repository

Fuchs, S., Kadavá, Š., Walker, B., Nicolas, F. & Winter, B., Ćwiek, A. (2024) Exploring the sound structure of novel vocalizations. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (EvoLang XV) Preprint Repository

Kadavá, Š., Ćwiek, A., Fuchs, S. & Pouw, W. (2023) Is gesture-speech physics at work in rhythmic pointing? Evidence from Polish counting-out rhymes. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, 7-8 August 2023. Full paper Poster

Kadavá, Š., & Zlatev, J. (2022) Interview: Cognitive Semiotics as an Emerging Discipline: An Interview with Jordan Zlatev. The American Journal of Semiotics, 37(3/4), 317-327. DOI: 10.5840/ajs2021373/481


Kadavá, Š., Ćwiek, A., Fuchs, S. & Pouw, W. (2023) The Coordination of Dynamic Multimodal Signals in Novel Communication. OSF Registries

Published scripts

Kadavá, Š., Snelder, J. & Pouw, W. (2024) Recording from Multiple Webcams Synchronously while LSL Streaming. Script

Kadavá, Š. & Pouw, W. (2024) 3D motion tracking using multiple cameras with OpenPose and Pose2Sim. Script

Get in touch

If you are interested in my research or look for potential collaboration, do not hesitate to reach out by any of the following channels.